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Life Coaching

As an ordained minister, Cinthia Hiett offers Biblically based coaching and understanding to current relationship and success issues that face us each day. With this unique style, individuals are encouraged to learn new ways to handle feelings and interact with others ultimately resulting in an improved personal and professional life.  

• Gender Conflict

• Life transitions
• Self esteem issues   
• Grief and loss issues

Relationship Coaching

Cinthia is known for her deep levels of expertise in relationships and helping individuals and couples learn new and different ways to have successful relationships.  These meetings may be between members of a family or a couple, employees or employers in a workplace, or between a professional and a client.

Depending on the type of relationship, the sessions recommended may differ in duration.  Some situations can be handled with 1 to 3 sessions.  More complex situations may require long term therapy which is determined by three variables - degree of woundedness,  complexity of the issues, and the impact the relationship has to the world they live in. The process involves an evaluation stage, education, a period of intense therapy;  followed by some type of maintenance schedule which supports the work done, as well as, helping maintain the healing accomplished in the therapeutic process.

Cinthia’s successful approach has helped many couples identify the areas most important to work on and quickly determine the best way to address and heal the relationship so that new growth can occur and sustained healing is secured.

Temperament Inventories 

A large part of coaching and life management with Cinthia involves identifying specific temperaments of the individuals and working with the individual or couple to educate each for a better understand of their personal temperament and those around them.  Temperament testing does not measure dysfunction or mental illness but rather, what motivates and inspires.

It outlines what environments that are best for productivity and success; what underlies the dominant way a person relates; identifies, its sensitivities as well as strengths; however, it does not indicate capacity or ability.

Cinthia augments therapy with the Myers Briggs Temperament Inventory in relationship and image management to better support  primary strengths and/or weaknesses. This is also an extremely effective tool used for team building on a corporate level, in small businesses, as well as churches. The results of temperament testing are extremely effective when helping individuals and couples understanding how God has designed each one of us and why we work/play/relate in the ways that we do.

Image Management

Image Management and Consultation is used for three reasons and often in combination.  We all know that a perception is created within three minutes of hearing and/or seeing; and, perception often times becomes reality, so understanding what you are presenting is extremely important in getting and/or maintaining the success you desire.

This initial stage of image consulting is gaining awareness of how you are perceived, and what you are showing to the world around you.  It is not about being someone you are not, it is about effectively showing the “real” you; the authentic you, in a way that best supports your goals and desires.

This may be personally attracting the person you would like to share the rest of your life with; to publicly present your best version to the world, so as to have the success you desire. Image management is not limited to high level executives, public figures, such as pastors, entrepreneurs, athletes or musicians; image management is for anyone who desires to present the “best version of themselves”.  After the initial consultation, image management is for anyone who desires help and expertise in being aware of the areas in which they may expose themselves in ways that may undermine their strengths and ways in which they may expose a weakness in a negative light.  With this type of consulting, it helps the individual gain clarity as to how better support themselves, acknowledging what their true needs are, and where the stressors and areas that need change exist; this is followed by a coaching process as to how to make these changes happen.

Lastly, image consultation and management may be necessary when an individual, family, church, or business has experienced a public mishap or slander, which may result in a public loss of confidence in the individual, family, church or business.

Cinthia works with each individual, family, or organization in an ongoing, pro-active process of evaluating and controlling the impact of their appearance on themselves and others.  This consulting will provide a framework to assess what areas need to be addressed and changed, such as:  the way you speak, the physical appearance of you or the entity you are involved in, public statements that may need to be made, re-organization, leaving an entity, “letting go” of an employee or executive, re-evaluating your philosophy, introducing or re-establishing values/boundaries, to name a few, are some of the key areas addressed when implementing image management. This holistic view helps to create the right image for each role the individual or entity undertakes and/or desires to maintain.

Ask Cinthia

Is coaching right for you? Reach out to learn more.

Looking forward to chatting with you!


© 2021 by Cinthia Hiett

United States

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