Make the most of your downtime with a good book, some beautiful music and a strong cup of coffee. (Coffee sold separately.)
It's out now!
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This life-changing book explores human relationships and teaches readers how to de-escalate conflict, improve communication skills and create peace in their lives.
Cinthia relates the way we perceive and react to threats using a DEFCON analogy that categorizes both healthy and unhealthy types of conflict.
You’ll learn to:
·Be aware of your emotions and choose your reaction in any situation
·Set healthy boundaries
·Create deeper, more stable, and more sustainable relationships
Books & Music by Cinthia
I am so excited to announce I have a NEW BOOK in the works. Be sure to sign up to my email list for updates!
God Wants You Truly Living - Not Walking Dead
Cinthia shares biblical analyses and examples of biblical characters who experienced the same trials, losses, failures, and emotions we are faced with in our lives.
She provides ample opportunity for growth as readers are encouraged to walk through the process with thought-provoking workbook questions. As they embrace this dying-to-self process, they will begin to understand what God's "best version" of themselves looks like and learn that a more abundant life is not only within their grasp - it's God's perfect will for them!
Publication Date: May 20, 2014 | Book Size: 6" x 9" | Pages: 210 | Binding: Perfect Bound
You can listen here to the audio book on
You can also purchase here on Itunes.
How Gender Speaks
Is your communication style limiting your success in the workplace or with your most significant relationships?
In this book, you will learn how your thoughts, words, and actions create interpersonal success and connection or conflict and confusion. You will understand the power of words, tone, and nonverbal communication as it relates to gender differences. You will discover what you're “really” saying when you are speaking to the opposite sex. Learn key tools and insights you can immediately begin using to improve communication with your significant other, family, boss, colleague, or staff member. You won't regret this discussion and journey into more fulfilling communication!
Publication Date: May 14, 2014 | Book Size: 5" x 8"
Can Fairy Tales Be Real?
In this very personal book, Cinthia shares stories and insights from her childhood into adulthood that demonstrate the three types of stories that weave themselves throughout our lives: our story, our fairytale, and God's story. Though Cinthia's narrative is filled with the twists and turns of adoption, not fitting in, feeling the "otherness" of not fitting in, childhood abuse, and going her own way as an adult, it is the very path that led her to one truth: God has a story for each and every one of us. And He invites us to write with Him. Why? He answer is LOVE: an incomprehensible, undeniable, enduring, everlasting love that He has for His creation. Through her story, perhaps you will discover your story of redemption, the story that your Creator is writing just for you!
Timeless Comfort

There is a Season for Everything...
The songs in this project were specifically selected because the songwriters have each endured great pain, sorrow, hopelessness, and harship. Their specific life experiences were the inspiration for each of their songs.
"A time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance." (Eccl. 3:1-4)
Timeless Joy

Christmas - the gift of timeless joy.
God - the giver of life.
Timeless Joy - what better way to describe the gift of Christmas. Celebrate the most joyous time of the year with this wonderful collection of timeless classics.
"For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)